Hey, friend. Searching for a therapist, spiritual director, or other care provider can sometimes feel like a big, brave step into the unknown. You might be full of questions; wondering "Do I belong here?" "Is this a good fit for me?" "Can Drawing Close really help me heal & connect with God?"
No worries!
I created a little quiz so that you can gain a sense if this might be the place for you. There are 8 True or False statements. If some, most, or all of these statements feel true, then this space was created especially for you! When you're ready, let's meet for a FREE Hello session!

True or
You grew up around rigid, fear-based beliefs and only 2 colors in your spiritual "crayon box": good or bad, in or out, black or white; no gray allowed.
Now you want the 48 crayon expansion pack. Or maybe even all 152 shades of God's goodness & grace.
You feel stressed out, overworked & disconnected from having to choose between your authentic self with needs & limitations and a culture or belief system that says “you’ll never be enough.”
To compensate, you're an overachieving perfectionist. You hold many certifications, wear many hats, put yourself last and might be trying to save the world single-handedly. You're in "survival mode" and fear being asked to do one. more. thing.
You feel all bottled up inside and struggle to put words to your needs, emotions & desires. You need help expressing what you feel in your soul.
After a lifetime of stuffing down, you need space where you can show up as your whole self. Where every part of you feels seen, known, loved and validated.
You might be on a healing journey and possibly coping with chronic illness, trauma, grief, a mental health diagnosis, life transition or crisis, deconstruction, dark night of the soul, or questioning parts of your identity.
You want God to be part of this healing journey, but it's hard to talk about God with your therapist- or anyone else, really. You feel spiritually lonely; longing for a like-minded soul who gets it.
Your life so far has felt like a paint by number; doing only what you thought a "good Christian" should do in order to gain a sense of safety, belonging, or approval.
Deep down, you might question your belovedness or feel like you need to earn it. You might even feel like a mistake or that you're failing life or God- but not for lack of trying!
Your prayer life has gone stale, stuck or hit a wall. You struggle to hear Love's voice over a loud mind and/or a harsh inner critic.
You want God to come closer and meet you in your deepest joys, pains, fears, doubts & longings. You're looking for ways to pray that feel open, honest, deep & raw (and you wonder if that's even allowed).
You're physically, mentally or spiritually exhausted and you may be seeing signs that all the stress, striving & suppressed emotions are affecting your health.
You long to heal and draw close to a compassionate God who seeks justice and knows what it means to be fully human.
You’re ready to walk back to the God who created you- but you don't know how. You desire freedom & closeness, and yet, a "wall" exists. You might be struggling to trust God or yourself in what lies ahead.
You desire a guide; a spiritual companion to help you find your way and a small voice has been encouraging you to reach out to someone.